In February 1998, Pacific
Justice Institute (PJI) issued the following press release as part
of its support of a litigation by "PLANS Inc." against two public school
districts in California for operating two public Waldorf-methods schools,
one a charter school and one a magnet school. (Original
Press Release, without pictures, modified April 13 1999 by PJI)
For more the origin and history of the litigation,
see here and here.
For more on the myths about Waldorf education,
cultivated by "PLANS Inc.", specifically the "Anthroposophical world conspiracy
myth" described in the press release below from PJI, see here.
"Parents Sue Sacramento City U.S.D.
For Civil Rights Violation"
Sacramento, CA- People for Legal
and Non-Sectarian Schools, Inc. (PLANS), filed a lawsuit today against
the Sacramento City Unified School District and the Twin Ridges Elementary
School District in United States District Court.
The suit alleges civil rights violations on behalf
of concerned parents and taxpayers connected with the operation of Waldorf
schools. The lawsuit is being sponsored by Pacific Justice Institute (PJI).
Lead counsel for the Plaintiffs is PJI affiliated attorney Scott Kendall,
of the law firm of McKinley & Smith.
Waldorf schools were founded in 1919 by Austrian
born New-Age guru Rudolf Steiner. After Steiner�s attempt to found a spiritually-oriented
party failed, he turned to education as a way to carry out his work
by preparing souls for reincarnation as leaders in the next epic of history.
Both The Sacramento City Unified School District
and Twin Ridges Elementary School District chose to continue to utilize
this Anthroposophy-based curriculum after many complaints were made by
parents in the community. Parents have yet to receive any notice by the
School Districts as to the religious nature or basis of the Waldorf curriculum.
'Parents send their children to public schools
with the understanding that the religious training of their children will
not be circumvented,' said Brad Dacus, President of Pacific Justice Institute.
'We are confident that the religious practices and purpose of the Districts�
usage of Waldorf will validate this clear infringement.'
Pacific Justice Institute is an organization dedicated
to the defense of religious freedom, parents� rights and other basic constitutional
civil liberties."
(emphasis added by AWE)
For more on PLANS' continued cultivation of this
myth after the PJI press release in 1998, see here. |