Waldorf School Associations in English speaking countries
- Association of Waldorf Schools in North America (AWSNA)
- Association of Steiner Waldorf Schools in the UK and Ireland
- Rudolf Steiner Schools of Australia, an Association
- Southern African Federation of Waldorf Schools
- Waldorf School Association of Ontario

Other Waldorf School Associations and School Directories
- European Council of Steiner Waldorf Education (ECSWE)
- Austrian Association of Waldorf Schools
  (�sterreichische Vereinigung freier Bildungsst�tten)
- Danish Association of Waldorf Schools
  (Sammenslutningen af Rudolf Steiner Skoler i Danmark)
- German Association of Waldorf Schools
  (Bund der Freien Waldorfschulen)
- Italian Association of Waldorf Schools
  (Federazione delle Scuole Rudolf Steiner in Italia)
- Netherlands Association of Waldorf Schools
  (Bond van Vrije Scholen)
- Norwegian Association of Waldorf Schools
  (Steinerskolene i Norge)
- Rudolf Steiner Schools in Australia
- Swedish Association of Waldorf Schools
  (Svenska Waldorfskolefederationen)
- Waldorf Education Directory for Latin America

General Waldorf resources
- What is Waldorf education? (Pine Hill Waldorf School)
- Frequently Asked Questions (Waldorf School of Saratoga Springs)
- Frequently Asked Questions (Richmond Waldorf School)
- Research Institute for Waldorf Education
- Americans for Waldorf Education (AWE)
- Bob and Nancy's Services
- Waldorf Resources (reading room)
- Waldorf World
- Waldorf Library
- Waldorf Answers
- Millennial Child

Waldorf home schooling resources
- Wonder Homeschool
- Waldorf Homeschoolers
- Millennial Child Homeschool Resources
- Christopherus Homeschool Resources
- Waldorf Without Walls
- Oak Meadow
- Live Education!
- Waldorf-inspired homeschooling Mother to Mother
- Shining Star School (home school cooperative)
- Therapeutic Homeschooling (children with bipolar)

Other Waldorf resources
- Friends of Waldorf Education
- Waldorf Early Childhood Association of North America
- Waldorf related articles in the media
- Waldorf and Waldorf related mailing lists
- Waldorf net (mainly in German)

Literature on Waldorf education
- (U.S.)
- Floris Books (U.K.)
- Michaelmas Press (U.S.)
- SteinerBooks (U.S.) (See sections on Waldorf education)
- Rudolf Steiner Press (U.K.)
- Rudolf Steiner's complete Foundations of Waldorf Education
  Online for free download

Articles on Waldorf education
- Schooling the Imagination by Todd Oppenheimer

Waldorf related resources
- Alliance for Childhood (U.S.)
- Alliance for Childhood (U.K.)
- Camphill Association of America
- Eurythmy Spring Valley
- Frequently Asked Questions on Eurythmy
- Famous ex-Waldorf Pupils
- Rudolf Steiner Foundation
- Rudolf Steiner Archive
- The Hiram Trust
- The Waldorf Market
- Mercurius Waldorf school supplies
- The WaldorfShop Network
- Waldorf Toys
- Waldorf House Exchange
- On Philosophy of Science, Goetheanism,
  Waldorf education and anthroposophy

Waldorf student networks
- The Network M - online network for Waldorf alumni and teachers
- WaldorfWide - house and student exchange
- Generex - student exchange

Waldorf schools with home pages in North America

- The Rudolf Steiner School - High School, New York
  (the first Waldorf school in the U.S., opened in 1928)
- The Redmont School, Alabama
- The Aurora Waldorf school of Alaska, Anchorage, Alaska
- The Desert Marigold, Phoenix, Arizona
The Desert Sky Community School, Tucson, Arizona
- The Desert Star Community School, Sedona, Arizona
- The Tucson Waldorf School, Tuscon, Arizona
- The Camelia Waldorf School, Sacramento, California
- The Cedar Springs Waldorf School, Placerville, California
- The Davis Waldorf School, California
- The East Bay Waldorf School - High School,
   El Sobrante, California
- The Highland Hall Waldorf School - High School,
   Northridge, California
- The Live Oak Waldorf School, Meadow Vista, California
- The Marin Waldorf School, San Rafael, California
- The Monterey Bay Charter School, California
- The Pasadena Waldorf School, Altadena, California
- The Sacramento Waldorf School - High School,
   Fair Oaks, California
- The San Francisco Waldorf School - High School, California
- The Santa Cruz Waldorf School, California
- The Sierra Waldorf School, Jamestown, California
- The Summerfield Waldorf School - High School,
   Santa Rosa, California
- The Valley Waldorf City School of Los Angeles, California
- The Waldorf School of San Diego, California
- The Waldorf School of Santa Barbara, California
- The Waldorf School of Orange County, California
- The Waldorf School of the Peninsula, Los Altos, California
- The Westside Waldorf School, Santa Monica, California
- The Willow Wood Waldorf School, Sebastopol, California
- The Denver Waldorf School - High School, Colorado
- The River Song Waldorf School, Fort Collins, Colorado
- The Shepherd Valley Waldorf School, Niwot, Colorado
- The Shining Mountain Waldorf School - High School,
   Boulder, Colorado
- The Tara Performing Arts High School - Boulder, Colorado
- The Housatonic Valley School, Newtown, Connecticut
- The Apple Blossom School and Family Center, Wilton, Connecticut
- The Linden Hill School, Wilton, Connecticut
- The Suncoast Waldorf School, Clearwater, Florida
- The Waldorf School of Atlanta, Georgia
- The Honolulu Waldorf School, Honolulu, Hawaii
- The Malamalama Waldorf School, Keaau, Hawaii
- The Kona Pacific School, Kealakekua, Hawaii
- The Haleakala Waldorf School, Kula, Hawaii
- The Sandpoint Waldorf School, Idaho
- The Chicago Waldorf School - High School, Illinois
- The Great Oaks School, Evanston, Illinois
- The Prairie Moon School, Lawrence, Kansas
- The Waldorf School of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky
- The Tidewater School, Elliot, Maine
- Parents for Waldorf Education, Annapolis, Maryland
- The Waldorf School of Baltimore, Maryland
- The Washington Waldorf School - High School, Maryland
- The Waldorf High School of Massachusetts Bay, Belmont, 
- The Cape Ann Waldorf School, Beverly Farms, Massachusetts
- The Great Barrington Rudolf Steiner School, Massachusetts
- The Hartsbrook School, Hadley, Massachusetts
- The Waldorf School in Lexington, Massachusetts
- The Waldorf School of Cape Cod, Bourne, Massachusetts
- The Detroit Waldorf School, Michigan
- The Minnesota Waldorf School, Maplewood, Minnesota
- The Twin Cities Area Waldorf Schools, Minnesota
- The Watershed High School, Minneapolis, Minnesota
- The Shining Rivers School, St. Louis, Missouri
- The Glacier Lifelong Learning Center, Kalispell, Montana
- The High Mowing School - High School, Wilton, New Hampshire
- The Pine Hill Waldorf School, Wilton, New Hampshire
- The Waldorf School of Princeton, New Jersey
- The Santa Fe Waldorf School, Santa Fe, New Mexico
- The Aurora Waldorf School, West Falls, New York
- The Green Meadow Waldorf School - High School, 
   Chestnut Ridge, New York
- The Hawthorne Valley School - High School, Ghent, New York
- The Northern Lights Waldorf School, Wilmington, New York
- The Rudolf Steiner School - High School, New York, New York
- The Sunbridge College, Spring Valley, New York
- The Waldorf School of Garden City - High School, New York
- The Waldorf School of Saratoga Springs - High School,
   Saratoga Springs, New York
- The Ithaca Waldorf School, New York
- The Emerson Waldorf School, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
- The Cincinnati Waldorf School, Ohio
- The Spring Garden Waldorf School, Copley, Ohio
- The Cedarwood School, Portland, Oregon
- The Corvallis Waldorf School, Oregon
- The Eugene Waldorf School, Oregon
- The Portland Waldorf School - High School, Oregon
- The Shining Star School, NE Portland, Oregon
- The Swallowtail School, Hillsboro, Oregon
- The Kimberton Waldorf School - High School,
   Kimberton, Pennsylvania (founded 1941)
- The Waldorf School of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- The Philadelphia Children's School, Pennsylvania
- The River Valley School, Upper Black Eddy, Pennsylvania
- The Susquehanna Waldorf School, Marietta, Pennsylvania
- The Meadowbrook Waldorf School, W Greenwich, Rhode Island
- The Potter Hill School, Kingston, Rhode Island
- The Linden Corner School, Nashville, Tennessee
- The Austin Waldorf School - High School, Texas
- The Green Mountain Waldorf School, Wolcott, Vermont
- The Upper Valley Waldorf School, Quechee, Vermont
- The Crossroads Waldorf School, Crozet, Virginia
- The Spring Meadow Waldorf School, Richmond, Virginia
- The Bright Water School, Seattle, Washington
- The Hazel Wolf High School, Seattle, Washington
- The Madrona Waldorf School, Bainbridge Island, Washington
- The Olympia Waldorf School, East Olympia, Washington
- The Seattle Waldorf School, Washington
- The Three Cedars School, Bellevue, Washington
- The Whatcom Hills Waldorf School, Bellingham, Washington
- The Whidbey Island Waldorf School, Clinton, Washington
- The Washington Waldorf School, Washington DC
- The Pleasant Ridge Waldorf School, Viroqua, Wisconsin
- The Tamarack Community School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- The Three Rivers School, La Crosse, Wisconsin
- The Urban Waldorf School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- The Youth Initiative High School, Viroqua, Wisconsin

- The Calgary Waldorf School, Calgary, Alberta
- The Sunrise Waldorf School, Duncan, British Columbia
- The Kelowna Waldorf School, Kelowna, British Columbia
- The Nelson Waldorf School, Nelson, British Columbia
- The Vancouver Waldorf School, North Vancouver, British Columbia
- The Morning Glory School, Qualicum Beach, British Columbia
- The Alta Lake School, Whistler, British Columbia
- The Halton Waldorf School, Burlington, Ontario
- The Trillium Waldorf School, Guelph, Ontario
- The London Waldorf School, London, Ontario
- The Great River School, Ottawa, Ontario
- The Alan Howard Waldorf School, Toronto, Ontario
- The Toronto Waldorf School, Toronto, Ontario
- L'Ecole Rudolf Steiner de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec
- Les Enfants de la Terre, Waterville, Quebec

For all schools affiliated with the Association of Waldorf Schools in North America, AWSNA, see info on schools in the United States, Canada and Mexico. See also here. For more on the Waldorf schools in the U.S. that have their own High Schools, but lack home page, see here. For a list of Waldorf kindergartens in North America, with the Waldorf Early Childhood Association of North America, WECAN, see here.

For some of the 870 Waldorf schools around the world, see the Waldorf World. See also RSArchive e.Links

For a complete list of Waldorf schools worldwide, see list by country here. For a complete list of Waldorf kindergartens worldwide, see here (click on "Adressen", then select country).

For a more complete list of public Waldorf-methods charter schools in the U.S., see here.

Waldorf teacher education in North America
- Antioch New England Graduate School
  40 Avon Street, Keene, New Hampshire 03431, 800.531.9540,
- Arcturus Rudolf Steiner Education Program
  6531 North Lakewood Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60626, 773.751.3026,
- Bay Area Center For Waldorf Teacher Training
  P.O. Box 2228, Sausalito, California 94966, 415.332.2133,
- Center for Anthroposophy
   P.O.Box 545, Wilton, New Hampshire 03086, 603.654.2566,
- Great Lakes Teacher Training
  1150 East Brady Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin , 262.524.2124,
- Institut Rudolf Steiner au Quebec
  8205 Chemin Mackle, Montreal, Quebec H4W 1B1, 514.495.9231,
- Kula Makua Waldorf Teacher Training Program
  350 Ulua Street, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96821, 808.259.5407,
- Rudolf Steiner Centre Toronto
  9100 Bathurst Street #4, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada L4J 8C7,
- Rudolf Steiner College
  9200 Fair Oaks Boulevard, Fair Oaks, California 95628, 916.961.8727,
- San Francisco and Los Altos Teacher Education
  San Francisco Waldorf School, 2938 Washington Street, 
  San Francisco, CA 94115, 800.515.8203
  Waldorf School of the Peninsula, 11311 Mora Drive, 
  Los Altos, CA 94024, 650.948.8433
- Sound Circle Center for Arts and Anthroposophy
  9836 43rd Place NE, Seattle, Washington 98115, 206.926.9199,
- Sunbridge College
  285 Hungry Hollow Road, Spring Valley, New York 10977, 845.425.0055,
- Waldorf High School Teacher Education Program
  P.O.Box 545, Wilton, New Hampshire 03086, 603.654.2566,
- Waldorf Institute of the Great Lakes
  3976 South Livernois Road, Rochester Hills, Michigan 48307, 
- Waldorf Institute of Southern California
  17100 Superior Street, Northridge, California 91325, 877.394.1444,
- Waldorf Teacher Training - Eugene
  1350 McLean Boulevard, Eugene, Oregon 97405, 541.683.6951,
- West Coast Institute for Studies in Anthroposophy
  603 Maple Mountain Road, Duncan, British Columbia V9L 5X7, 

For more, see the section on Waldorf teacher training at the site of Waldorf World.

Waldorf teacher education and adult education in Europe
- Emerson College, Sussex, England
- European Masters Programme for Steiner Waldorf Educators
- Greenwich University, England
- Hogeschool Helicon, Netherlands
- Institut f�r Waldorf-P�dagogik Witten/Annen, Germany
- Lehrerseminar f�r Waldorfp�dagogik Kassel, Germany
- Plymouth University, England
- Rudolf Steinerh�gskolan, Sweden
- Seminar f�r Waldorfp�dagogik Berlin, Germany
- Seminar f�r Waldorfp�dagogik Hamburg, Germany
- Seminar f�r Waldorfp�dagogik Stuttgart, Germany
- Snellman Institute, Helsinki, Finland
- Waldorflehrerseminar, Kiel, Germany

Waldorf teacher education in Australia and New Zealand
- Parsifal College, Sydney, Australia
- Taruna College, New Zealand

Some pages on Waldorf education outside the U.S.
- Quality assurance in European Steiner schools 
- The Waldorf School Movement in South Africa
- El Trigal, a Waldorf School in Cordoba, Argentine.
- Waldorf education in Japan. An Interview with Michiko Koyasu, 
  Professor of Germanics at Waseda University in Tokyo.

For a more comprehensive links page also to sites on anthroposophy and other anthroposophically inspired activities on the Internet see here.